Friday, January 11, 2013

I have a confession to make...

I love food. Like-love-love. As in "Katie and food, sitting in a tree" love it. Those who know me, know.

However, like most great loves, there is a dark side to this relationship. Here, in this blog, I will reveal the more challenging aspects of me+food.

A little more than a year ago, I learned that I have a wheat allergy. This should not have come as a surprise as most of the women in my family have some form of gluten intolerance, but it did. And it was rough.

A self-proclaimed foodie and lover of the culinary arts, my challenge became to create gluten-free reproductions of my favorite meals from all of the restaurants I would  no longer be able to enjoy. Ever.
It was a challenge, but I was making progress, and then came another blow: no dairy.

 (Cue: Wailing and gnashing of teeth)

Let me be clear: I love me some dairy! Butter, cream, cheese: these were staples of my kitchen. Wheat-less, I could handle, but how on Earth was I going to make anything without dairy?!?!?! 

Clearly, ordering take-out was not even an option, and, as a full-time student and single mother of four, I didn't have time to take cooking classes. So, I turned to that all-seeing, all-knowing oracle of wisdom: The interwebs. There have been some really awful recipes, but, also, some terrific ones, as well as a wealth of gluten/dairy free resources.

Rather than see my food allergies as a life-sentence of rice cereal and celery dinners (ick!), I've chosen to view this as an opportunity to explore different cooking styles as well as reinvent some of my old favorites with healthier, leaner ingredients. That it allows me to thumb my nose at those who exclaim,"Well you just can't eat anything!"is a bonus.

Some time ago, I began to post pictures and descriptions of the meals I was creating around my allergies on my Facebook account. As a result, I've had several requests for recipes and information about the food I make. Because blogs are where I find most of my resources, it occurred to me that it might be helpful to create a blog of my own. My friends can access the recipes and resources I find useful, and it will allow me to give the impression that I have interests beyond making messes in my kitchen.

I do, you know.

I hope you enjoy this account of my journey.


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